Hawke's Bay Power Consumers' Trust [HBPCT]
The Trust holds the shares in Unison Networks Limited on behalf of all consumers who are connected to Unison’s electricity networks in Hawke’s Bay. Our task is to ensure the value of your investment is protected and enhanced, now and into the future.
The elected Trust oversees the operation of Unison and, on behalf of the consumer-owners, the trust receives a dividend which it distributes to all owners. Simply, by having a power account for a property linked to Unison, you are a shareholder. Each year we issue a dividend payment to shareholders based on billing details held by electricity retailers.
The Trust dividend payment for 2024 will be $260. For more information please click here.
We declare the result of the election held on Thursday, 1st October 2020 for the election of five trustees to the Hawke's Bay Power Consumers Trust to be as follows: click here
Hawke’s Bay Power Consumer Trust speaks out on behalf of power consumers and our beneficiaries. Keep up-to-date with our latest news. sign up here
The Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust has appointed two new directors to the Unison Networks Board. They are Wendie Harvey and Jon Nichols. more info